After taking a year off due to COVID restrictions last year, Bob Edmunds, Director and Co-Founder of Jones Edmunds, returned as an annual guest speaker in Dr. Steve Duranceau’s Senior Design Class at the University of Central Florida last week. Joined by Associates David Yonge via Zoom and Scooter Sheldon in person, they first attended presentations by four PhD and two Master’s students on their projects. Bob commented, “Some very interesting and practical projects are underway. Through his teaching and the projects, Steve gives his students an excellent introduction into the realities of consulting.” Bob then presented Jones Edmunds’ support check for the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science to Dr. Duranceau. This was followed by the 2-hour Senior Design Course where Bob spoke.
David Yonge earned his Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Science, and Bachelor of Science degrees in Environmental Engineering (plus a BA in Civil Engineering) at UCF and has maintained an excellent relationship with Dr. Duranceau and his students. Bob noted that they clearly have an especially high regard for David in Dr. Duranceau’s class. David is planning to make an in-person visit to the class soon and plans to connect with them at the 2021 Membrane Technology Conference and Exposition in West Palm Beach in July. Both will be good opportunities to maintain the strong relationship between Jones Edmunds and UCF. David also looks forward to getting to know students who may be a good fit for Jones Edmunds when they are ready to begin their careers.
Jones Edmunds is proud to continue supporting the water engineering graduate research and educational opportunities offered at UCF and making a lasting impression on the students each year.