The Citrus County Commission held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the launch of the new Southwest Regional Water Reclamation Facility (SWRWRF). Jones Edmunds supported the County on development of this project from concept through facility start-up.
“Protecting our springs across the state has become a high priority and Citrus County Government has taken a leadership role in addressing the environmental needs of those springs located within their County. The Southwest Regional plant is a cornerstone project for protecting both the Chassahowitzka and Homosassa Springsheds and Jones Edmunds is honored to serve the County on this and other projects critical to springs protection.” says Jones Edmunds Managing Director and Senior Vice President Terri Lowery.
The new facility is a 1.5-MGD advanced wastewater treatment plant (expandable to 3 MGD) that includes a BNR oxidation ditch system followed by secondary clarifiers, disc filters, chlorine disinfection, and sludge dewatering, with excess reclaimed water recharged to rapid infiltration basins on the plant site and to the County’s public access reuse. This project sets the stage for future projects that will both protect the water quality of the springs and ensure that Minimum Flow and Levels (MFLs) are protected.