Engineering Rocks Podcast – NASA Mentor-Protégé Program

In the latest Engineering Rocks Podcast, our host Ken Vogel spoke with Jones Edmunds Senior Vice President Doug Toth, Drummond Carpenter President and Chairman of the Board Chad Drummond, and David Brock, the Mentor-Protégé Manager and Small Business Specialist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

They discussed the newly rebooted NASA Mentor-Protégé Program. Jones Edmunds and Drummond Carpenter recently entered the program with Jones Edmunds participating as a mentor to Drummond Carpenter. The program aims to build successful business relationships between large business prime contractors and small businesses to grow the technical and business capabilities of the small business. According to David Brock, “the ultimate result of the program is that companies, through the assistance provided, would be able to perform, not only as primes and subs, but help to create new opportunities at NASA and across the federal government.”

Doug and Chad commented on the importance of relationships. Doug said, “I believe that the relationship, that synergy between the two teams, is critically important to have a chance of success in the program.” Chad added, “From the protégé perspective, I would say you really want to get somebody you could trust, someone you want to be proud to be working with.”

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