Navigating the Waters of HB53: Stormwater and Wastewater 20-year Needs Analyses

FAC’s Webinar Wednesday is on February 2nd

Join the Florida Association of County (FAC) Rural Caucus and Jones Edmunds for a webinar focused on the implementation of HB53 – also known as the Public Works Bill. This legislation contains several elements that will directly affect local governments with implications for purchasing and funding. This is the first webinar for the 2022 FAC Rural Caucus Webinar Series focused on Infrastructure.

HB53 requires the Office of Economic & Demographic Research (EDR) to include an analysis of the expenditures necessary to repair, replace, and expand water-related infrastructure in its annual assessment of Florida’s water resources and conservation lands. By June 30, 2022, and every five years thereafter, the bill requires each city or jurisdiction to provide a stormwater and wastewater system needs analysis report to the counties they are within. The needs analysis will include projections of system costs over a 20-year horizon. Then, counties and independent special districts must compile the local reports (including their own) and submit them to EDR and the secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection by July 31, 2022. EDR must evaluate the compiled documents for the purpose of developing a statewide analysis for inclusion in the annual assessment due January 1, 2023.

The webinar will provide background information on the goals of the assessments, reporting requirements, deadlines and timelines, and approaches and resources for completing the assessments in an efficient and collaborative manner. “Navigating the Waters of HB53: Stormwater and Wastewater 20-year Needs Analyses” is taking place on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 2pm. To register for this free webinar, click here.