John T. Hannah, PE

Senior Manager
Experienced in water and wastewater conveyance systems, surface and groundwater production and treatment, biological wastewater treatment, and discharge limitations, including biological inhibition considerations and water quality restrictions, his experience stretches across multiple states across the southeast. Other expertise includes user rate studies, capacity fee studies, asset management, wasteload allocation studies, water distribution system modeling, and modeling of sanitary sewer system collection and conveyance systems. John’s professional engineering experience spans several southeast states, from Virginia to Mississippi.
Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering (Water Resources), University of South Carolina, 1998
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1985

Fun Facts

He spent one of the coldest times in his life at the rim of the Mt Haleakala volcano on the island of Maui in Hawaii, awaiting the spectacular sunrise viewing at just above 10,000-ft MSL and with every stitch of clothing that I’d taken on that March vacation trip.
