Thank You for Making a Difference to Those in Need at Thanksgiving

The Jones Edmunds & Associates Annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive was a huge success company-wide! Thanks to our Associates who helped make Thanksgiving a little easier for the families in our communities.

The Gainesville office happily collected food items for the Hawthorne Area Resource Center. Jones Edmunds JoAnne Talamo made three food deliveries to the Center totaling 744 pounds! While making the second of three deliveries, this one weighing in at more than 300 pounds, JoAnne shared that a center volunteer who helped unload the delivery, said she wanted to cry. With the Center accepting perishable donations, the drop-offs included fresh vegetables, fruit, meat (venison, beef, and pork), milk, and eggs as well as non-perishable goods. In addition to the food, Jones Edmunds donated $300 in gift cards. Over the past year, the number of households in the Hawthorne area needing help has doubled from 300 to over 600.

744 pounds of food

Venison, beef, and pork

The Tampa office collected food to support the Metropolitan Ministries. They delivered 141 pounds of food. The Ministries have served the area for over 45 years and feeds as many as 300 families daily through Outreach and Prevention Services.

141 pounds of food

The Titusville Office collected food for the North Brevard Charities Sharing Center. Titusville helped collect 13 Thanksgiving Meal Baskets and Jones Edmunds donated a $15 gift card with each basket. The Sharing Center was organized in 1958 and chartered by the State in 1998 and provides emergency assistance to individuals and families.

Titusville Office – 13 Meal Baskets for North Brevard Charities Sharing Center