Connecting Utility Cityworks Analytics to ESRI’s Insights

St Johns County Utility Department (SJCUD)

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By connecting Cityworks Analytics to ESRI’s Insights, we implemented a powerful tool for exploring trends, diving into details, and transforming raw data into understandable visuals. The web-based tools developed by Jones Edmunds for the St Johns County Utilities Division (SJCUD) are shared with staff and the public, enhancing asset management strategy awareness.


SJCUD works to continually be a front-runner using the latest Cityworks and ESRI functionality to solve today’s asset management challenges. Jones Edmunds has worked with SJCUD throughout their journey, providing Cityworks support for configuration, workflow development, software upgrades, GIS updates, data integrations, end-user training, and implementation of Cityworks tools Cityworks Analytics, OpX, and Operational Insights to effectively identify critical assets in need of rehabilitation and replacement.

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